- crap off
- раздражать, надоедать, досаждать, внушать отвращение
she was crapping him off so much – она сильно досаждала ему
English-Russian australian expression. 2014.
she was crapping him off so much – она сильно досаждала ему
English-Russian australian expression. 2014.
Crap off — annoy; disgust … Dictionary of Australian slang
crap off — Australian Slang annoy; disgust … English dialects glossary
crap — /kræp / (say krap) Colloquial –noun 1. excrement. 2. nonsense; rubbish. 3. junk; odds and ends. –verb (i) (crapped, crapping) 4. to defecate. 5. to talk nonsense: he was crapping about loyalty. –adjective 6. of poor quality: that was a crap movie …
Crap Sogn Gion — Der Crap Sogn Gion ist ein Skigebiet im Kanton Graubünden in der Schweiz. Der Name Crap Sogn Gion ist rätoromanisch und bedeutet Stein des heiligen Johannes. Der kleine Felsturm westlich der Bergstation der 1968 eröffneten Luftseilbahn ist knapp… … Deutsch Wikipedia
crap — defecate 1846 (v.), 1898 (n.), from one of a cluster of words generally applied to things cast off or discarded (e.g. weeds growing among corn (early 15c.), residue from renderings (late 15c.), underworld slang for money (18c.), and in Shropshire … Etymology dictionary
crap — crap1 [kræp] n spoken not polite [Sense: 1 6; Date: 1800 1900; Origin: crap outside covering of grain, solid material from melted fat (15 19 centuries), from Middle Dutch crappe piece torn off , from crappen to break off ] [Sense: 7; Date: 1700… … Dictionary of contemporary English
crap — crap1 /krap/, n., v., crapped, crapping. n. 1. Vulgar. a. excrement. b. an act of defecation. 2. Slang (sometimes vulgar). a. nonsense; drivel. b. falsehood, exaggeration, propaganda, or the like. 3. refuse; rubbish; junk; litter … Universalium
crap — crap1 vulgar slang noun 1》 nonsense; rubbish. 2》 excrement. ↘an act of defecation. verb (craps, crapping, crapped) defecate. adjective Brit. extremely poor in quality. Derivatives crappy adjective (crapp … English new terms dictionary
crap up — verb become obstructed or chocked up The drains clogged up • Hypernyms: ↑clog, ↑choke off, ↑clog up, ↑back up, ↑congest, ↑choke, ↑foul • … Useful english dictionary
shit off — verb a) fuck off b) annoy Syn: crap off … Wiktionary
comp.sys.sinclair Crap Games Competition — The comp.sys.sinclair Crap Games Competition (also known simply as the CSSCGC) is an annual competition for crap computer game development.[1] It is specifically targeted at the Sinclair Research range of 8 bit computers including clones,… … Wikipedia